Wednesday 20 February 2013

I Just lost my blogging virginity

When I first thought about writing a blog I thought I would blog about my favorite things because it's easy to write about something you love. I wrote a review on Shinedown's new album first but this time I'm just going to list the things I like that make up me, as I have learnt that there are many things that make up a character in my Writing Identity course at DMU and one of those things is their preferences, the things they like and the things they hate. 

Firstly I love my family to bits:
Melissa my skinny mini twin sister,
James my arrogant, thinks he's funny, big brother, 
Mum, my mum, 
Dad, my dad, doesn't say much but when he does it's it's usually worth the wait, 
Grandma and Granddad Byrne, both going a bit do-lally but still awesome, 
And my aunt, uncle and cousin who  now live in China. God help them!

Secondly There Are The Things I Feel I could Not Live Without:
My cats Meg and Mog,
And anything deep fried (I mean anything).

Then there are the things I Simply love:
Dave Grohl,
Dave Grohl,
BBQ sauce,
Dave Grohl,
Dave Grohl,
Cherry Bake-well tarts,
Music magazines,
Dave Grohl,
Tattoo art,
Tattooed boys,
Dave Grohl,
Nail polish,
And the colour green. 

I feel I should list the things I hate now but because that list would be way too long I'll just do my top ten hates.

My Top Ten Pet Peeves:
1. Hypocrites 
2. Ridiculously long toe nails
3. Toe nails
4. Bullies 
5. When people wear flip flops and get dirty feet
6. Dirty feet
7.  Liars
8. Smelly feet
9. Dry skin on feet
10. Just anything to do with feet.
Unless they belong to Dave Grohl. Everything about Dave Grohl is awesome. I love Dave Grohl. 

Well that is everything I can remember I love and some of the things I hate. I hope it doesn't paint too much of a picture. 

Thanks for listening to Rach :) 

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